Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Scout wing and The Guide wing

(1) Whenever and wherever the National Association, the State Association, the District or Divisional Association and the Local Association consists of Scouts and Guides, there shall be a Scout Wing and a Guide Wing.

(2) There shall be no common membership of boys and girls in Pack, Flock, Troop, Company, Crew, Team and Group : in other words Pack, Troop, and Crew are meant for boys, whereas Flock, Company and Team shall consist of girls only and there snail be a separate Group for Pack, Troop and Crew and a separate Group for Flock, Company and Team.

(3) Though separate, perfect co-operation, harmony and cordiality shall prevail between the Scout Wing and the Guide Wing.

(4) Training shall be separate for boys and girls at all levels : training of Commissioners may be separate or common ; training of Scouters and Guiders shall be separate except in the case of special courses, for which special permission of the Chief National Commissioner or the State Chief Commissioner as the case may be is necessary; boys and girls may, however, be brought together at Rallies and at other special functions with the permission of the concerned DCs. Exchange of Scout and Guide Instructors is also permissible with the approval of the concerned Commissioners.

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MOP –Theme Song

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