Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Patrol System

 The Patrol System :

(i) A troop shall be divided into patrols. Each patrol will

have patrol corner, patrol song, patrol yell, patrol

sign, patrol cry, patrol flag.

(ii) a. Each patrol may consist of six to eight scouts

inclusive of Patrol Leader and Second.

b. Each Patrol shall bear the name of an animal/

bird chosen from Scouting For Boys in

consultation with the Patrol – in Council

and every member of the Patrol shall wear

the shoulder stripes of the Patrol on the


(iii) Troop Leader :- One of

the Patrol Leaders with

experience of not less

than six months as a

Patrol Leader, preferably

with Dwitiya Sopan

Badge. may be appointed

as Troop Leader by the Scoutmaster in consultation

with the Court-of -Honour. He shall wear the Scout

Uniform and in addition wear two green stripes

made of wool or cotton 6 cms long and 1.5 cm wide

on either side of the membership badge on the left

pocket and Troop Leader’s Badge above Service

star worn above the left pocket of the shirt or at the

same place on Jersey. He offers active assistance to

the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster and takes

charge of the unit in the absence of the Adult Unit

Leaders. Troop Leader’s Badge is rectangular Badge

with emblem in yellow on green background with a

yellow ring round it and three green vertical stripes

to the left of the emblem.

(iv) Assistant Troop Leader :

One of the patrol Leaders

with not less than six

months service as a Patrol

Leader, preferably with

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