Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Cub Section

Cub, Cub Pack, Cubmaster, & Assistant Cubmaster, Qualifications

for Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster, uniform for Cub Master

Asst. Cubmaster, & Lady Cubmaster, Asst. Lady Cubmaster, The Six

System, Senior Sixer, Sixer Second, Sixers’ Council, Cub Instructor,

Cub, Pravesh, Cub Uniform, Scheme of Advancement of a Cub,

Pratham Charan, Dwitiya Charan, Tritiya Charan, Chaturtha Charan,

Cub Proficiency Badges, Golden Arrow, Camps for Cubs. 1-19.

Objectives of Cub Section.

By the time a boy complete the full course

of the Cub Programme, he will be able to:-

1. Develop habits which lead to good character.

2. Put in efforts of learning directed towards good citizenship.

3. Learn practical Cub skills essential to become a good Scout

and a good boy in general.

4. Undertake activities which contribute to his all round


5. Do a daily Good turn.

6. Develop fascination for beauties of nature & awareness of


7. Express himself in creative skills.

8. Collect things of his interest & preserve them properly.

9. Develop a sense of respect for elders, love for youngsters in

the family & neighborhood and find ways of such expressions

with a spirit of cooperation.

10. Satisfy his needs for adventure.

11. Inculcate a feeling of appreciation for family traditions, be of

religious, social or ancestral character and make attempts to

follow them.

12. Understand the need of conserving Nature/Environment and

public properties.

13. Obey elders and follow their advice even in their absence.

14. Know about his state, people and culture.

1. Cub: - A boy who is a citizen of India and who has completed

five but not ten years of age is eligible to become a Cub.

Provided he subscribes to the Cub Promise and the Cub Law

and becomes a member of a Cub Pack.

Advancement of a Cub :

1. A Boy can be registered as a Cub Aspirant on

completion of five years of age and invested after

working for at least three months and completed the

requirements of the Pravesh test.

2. A Pravesh Cub will work at least for three months to

qualify for Pratham Charan.

3. A Pratham Charan Cub will work atleast for three

months to qualify for Dwitiya Charan.

4. A Dwitiya Charan Cub will work for at least nine

months to qualify for Tritiya Charan badge.

5. A Tritiya Charan Cub will work for atleast nine

months to qualify for ChaturthaCharan.

6. A Chaturth Chran Cub having earned totally six

proficiency badges one badge each in Tritiya Charan

and Chaturth Charan, remaining four badges to be

earned from the proficiency badge groups not earned

earlier. He may be awarded a special badge called

“Golden Arrow” before completing ten years of age.

7. For Pravesh and Pratham Charan the Cub master will

arrange for training and testing.

8. From Dwitiya Charan onwards and for Proficiency

Badges Training Counsellors will arrange testing.

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